
This is the documentation of pygeogrids.

pygeogrids is a package for creation and handling of Discrete Global Grids.

It can be used to define a grid on the globe using numpy arrays of longitude and latitude. These grids can also have unique grid point numbers. The grids must not be valid globally but can e.g. only cover the Continents.

When a grid is defined it can be used to quickly find the nearest neigbor of a a given lat, lon coordinate on the grid. For that the lon, lat coordinates are converted to Cartesian coordinates. This approach is of limited use for high resolution data which might rely on a specific geodetic datum.

The class pygeogrids.grids.CellGrid extends this basic grid with the ability to store a additional cell number for each grid point. This can be used to tile a grid in e.g. 5x5° cells. We often store remote sensing data in cells to partition a dataset into manageable parts. This link with the grid class enables us to easily find the link between a grid point and the cell file in which the relevant data is stored.

Please see the examples in this documentation as well as the pytesmo code for real world usage examples.


Indices and tables