Source code for pygeogrids.grids

# Copyright (c) 2018, TU Wien, Department of Geodesy and Geoinformation
# All rights reserved.

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The grids module defines the grid classes.

import numpy as np
import numpy.testing as nptest
import warnings

    from osgeo import ogr

    ogr_installed = True
except ImportError:
    ogr_installed = False
    from itertools import izip as zip
except ImportError:
    pass  # python3

import pygeogrids.nearest_neighbor as NN
from pygeogrids.geodetic_datum import GeodeticDatum

[docs]class GridDefinitionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class GridIterationError(Exception): pass
[docs]class BasicGrid(object): """ Grid that just has lat,lon coordinates and can find the nearest neighbour. It can also yield the gpi, lat, lon information in order. Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.array longitudes of the points in the grid lat : numpy.array latitudes of the points in the grid geodatum : basestring Name of the geodatic datum associated with the grid gpis : numpy.array, optional if the gpi numbers are in a different order than the lon and lat arrays an array containing the gpi numbers can be given if no array is given here the lon lat arrays are given gpi numbers starting at 0 subset : numpy.array, optional if the active part of the array is only a subset of all the points then the subset array which is a index into lon and lat can be given here. setup_kdTree : boolean, optional if set (default) then the kdTree for nearest neighbour search will be built on initialization shape : tuple, optional The shape of the grid array in 2-d space. e.g. for a 1x1 degree global regular grid the shape would be (180,360). if given the grid can be reshaped into the given shape this indicates that it is a regular grid and fills the attributes self.lon2d and self.lat2d which define the grid only be the meridian coordinates(self.lon2d) and the coordinates of the circles of latitude(self.lat2d). The shape has to be given as (lat2d, lon2d) It it is not given the shape is set to the length of the input lon and lat arrays. transform_lon : bool or None, optional (default: None) Whether to transform longitudes to values between -180 and 180. By default values are transformed, but a warning is issued. To turn off the warning, set this to ``True``, to turn of transformation set this to ``False``. kd_tree_name: str, optional (default: 'pykdtree') KDTree engine, 'pykdtree' or 'scipy' Attributes ---------- arrlon : numpy.array 1D array of all longitudes of the grid arrlat : numpy.array 1D array of all latitudes of the grid n_gpi : int number of gpis in the grid gpidirect : boolean if true the gpi number is equal to the index of arrlon and arrlat gpis : numpy.array gpi number for elements in arrlon and arrlat gpi[i] is located at arrlon[i],arrlat[i] subset : numpy.array if given then this contains the indices of a subset of the grid. This can be used if only a part of a grid is interesting for a application. e.g. land points, or only a specific country allpoints : boolean if False only a subset of the grid is active activearrlon : numpy.array array of longitudes that are active, is defined by arrlon[subset] if a subset is given otherwise equal to arrlon activearrlat : numpy.array array of latitudes that are active, is defined by arrlat[subset] if a subset is given otherwise equal to arrlat activegpis : numpy.array array of gpis that are active, is defined by gpis[subset] if a subset is given otherwise equal to gpis geodatum : object pygeogrids.geodatic_datum object (reference ellipsoid) associated with the grid issplit : boolean if True then the array was split in n parts with the self.split function kdTree : object grid.nearest_neighbor.findGeoNN object for nearest neighbor search shape : tuple, optional if given during initialization then this is the shape the grid can be reshaped to lat2d : numpy.array, optional if shape is given this attribute contains all latitudes according to the provided 2d-shape that make up the grid lon2d : numpy.array, optional if shape is given this attribute contains all longitudes according to the provided 2d-shape that make up the grid """ def __init__( self, lon, lat, gpis=None, geodatum="WGS84", subset=None, setup_kdTree=True, shape=None, transform_lon=None, kd_tree_name="pykdtree", ): """ init method, prepares lon and lat arrays for _transform_lonlats if necessary """ lon = np.asanyarray(lon) lat = np.asanyarray(lat) if gpis is not None: gpis = np.asanyarray(gpis) if subset is not None: subset = np.asanyarray(subset) if lat.shape != lon.shape: raise GridDefinitionError("lat and lon np.arrays have to have equal shapes") self.n_gpi = len(lon) # transfrom longitudes to be between -180 and 180 if they are between 0 # and 360 if transform_lon or transform_lon is None: if np.any(lon > 180): lon[lon > 180] -= 360 if transform_lon is None: warnings.warn( "Longitude values have been transformed to be in" " (-180, 180]. If this was not intended or to suppress" " this warning set the transform_lon keyword argument" ) self.arrlon = lon self.arrlat = lat self.shape = None if shape is not None and len(shape) == 2: if len(self.arrlat) % shape[0] != 0: msg = ( "Given shape does not have the correct first dimension." " Length of lat array is not divisible by shape[0] " " without rest" ) raise GridDefinitionError(msg) if len(self.arrlon) % shape[1] != 0: msg = ( "Given shape does not have the correct second " "dimension. Length of lon array is not divisible by " "shape[1] without rest" ) raise GridDefinitionError(msg) self.shape = shape self.lat2d = np.reshape(self.arrlat, self.shape) self.lon2d = np.reshape(self.arrlon, self.shape) else: self.shape = tuple([len(self.arrlon)]) self.geodatum = GeodeticDatum(geodatum) if gpis is None: self.gpis = np.arange(self.n_gpi, dtype=int) self.gpidirect = True else: if lat.shape != gpis.shape: raise GridDefinitionError( "lat, lon gpi np.arrays have to " "have equal shapes" ) self.gpis = gpis self.gpidirect = False self.subset = subset if subset is not None: self.activearrlon = self.arrlon[subset] self.activearrlat = self.arrlat[subset] self.activegpis = self.gpis[subset] self.allpoints = False else: self.activearrlon = self.arrlon self.activearrlat = self.arrlat self.activegpis = self.gpis self.allpoints = True self.issplit = False self.kd_tree_name = kd_tree_name self.kdTree = None if setup_kdTree: self._setup_kdtree() def _setup_kdtree(self): """ Setup kdTree """ if self.kdTree is None: self.kdTree = NN.findGeoNN( self.activearrlon, self.activearrlat, self.geodatum, kd_tree_name=self.kd_tree_name, ) self.kdTree._build_kdtree()
[docs] def split(self, n): """ Function splits the grid into n parts this changes not function but grid_points() which takes the argument n and will only iterate through this part of the grid. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of parts the grid should be split into """ self.issplit = True self.subarrlats = np.array_split(self.activearrlat, n) self.subarrlons = np.array_split(self.activearrlon, n) self.subgpis = np.array_split(self.activegpis, n)
[docs] def unite(self): """ Unites a split array, so that it can be iterated over as a whole again. """ self.issplit = False
[docs] def grid_points(self, *args): """ Yields all grid points in order Parameters ---------- n : int, optional if the grid is split in n parts using the split function then this iterator will only iterate of the nth part of the grid Returns ------- gpi : long grid point index lon : float longitude of gpi lat : float longitude of gpi """ if not self.issplit and len(args) == 0: return self._normal_grid_points() elif self.issplit and len(args) == 1: return self._split_grid_points(args[0]) raise GridIterationError( "this function only takes an argument if " "the grid is split, and takes no argument " "if the grid is not split" )
[docs] def get_grid_points(self, *args): """ Returns all active grid points. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional if the grid is split in n parts using the split function then this function will only return the nth part of the grid Returns ------- gpis : numpy.ndarray Grid point indices. arrlon : numpy.ndarray Longitudes. arrlat : numpy.ndarray Latitudes. """ if not self.issplit and len(args) == 0: return (self.activegpis, self.activearrlon, self.activearrlat) elif self.issplit and len(args) == 1: n = args[0] return (self.subgpis[n], self.subarrlons[n], self.subarrlats[n])
def _normal_grid_points(self): """ Yields all grid points in order. Returns ------- gpi : long grid point index lon : float longitude of gpi lat : float longitude of gpi """ for i, (lon, lat) in enumerate(zip(self.activearrlon, self.activearrlat)): yield self.activegpis[i], lon, lat def _split_grid_points(self, n): """ Yields all grid points or split grid in order. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of subgrid to yield Returns ------- gpi : long Grid point index. lon : float Longitude of gpi. lat : float Longitude of gpi. """ for i, (lon, lat) in enumerate(zip(self.subarrlons[n], self.subarrlats[n])): yield self.subgpis[n][i], lon, lat
[docs] def find_nearest_gpi(self, lon, lat, max_dist=np.Inf): """ Finds nearest gpi, builds kdTree if it does not yet exist. Parameters ---------- lon : float or iterable Longitude of point. lat : float or iterable Latitude of point. max_dist : float, optional Maximum distance [m] to consider for search (default: np.Inf). Returns ------- gpi : long Grid point index. If no point was found within the maximum distance to consider, an empty array is returned. distance : float Distance of gpi to given lon, lat. At the moment not on a great circle but in spherical cartesian coordinates. If no point was found within the maximum distance to consider, an empty array is returned. """ gpi, distance = self.find_k_nearest_gpi(lon, lat, max_dist=max_dist, k=1) if not _element_iterable(lon) and len(gpi) > 0: gpi = gpi[0] distance = distance[0] return gpi, distance
[docs] def find_k_nearest_gpi(self, lon, lat, max_dist=np.Inf, k=1): """ Find k nearest gpi, builds kdTree if it does not yet exist. Parameters ---------- lon : float or iterable Longitude of point. lat : float or iterable Latitude of point. max_dist : float, optional Maximum distance to consider for search (default: np.Inf). k : int, optional The number of nearest neighbors to return (default: 1). Returns ------- gpi : long Grid point index. distance : float Distance of gpi to given lon, lat. At the moment not on a great circle but in spherical cartesian coordinates. """ if self.kdTree is None: self._setup_kdtree() distance, ind = self.kdTree.find_nearest_index(lon, lat, max_dist=max_dist, k=k) if self.gpidirect and self.allpoints or len(ind) == 0: gpi = ind else: gpi = self.activegpis[ind] return gpi, distance
[docs] def gpi2lonlat(self, gpi): """ Longitude and latitude for given gpi. Parameters ---------- gpi : int32 or iterable Grid point index. Returns ------- lon : float Longitude of gpi. lat : float Latitude of gpi """ # check if iterable iterable = _element_iterable(gpi) gpi = np.atleast_1d(gpi) if self.gpidirect: lons, lats = self.arrlon[gpi], self.arrlat[gpi] else: # get the indices that would sort the gpis gpisorted = np.argsort(self.gpis) # find the position where the gpis fit in the sorted array pos = np.searchsorted(self.gpis[gpisorted], gpi) index = gpisorted[pos] lons, lats = self.arrlon[index], self.arrlat[index] if not iterable: lons = lons[0] lats = lats[0] return lons, lats
[docs] def gpi2rowcol(self, gpi): """ If the grid can be reshaped into a sensible 2D shape then this function gives the row(latitude dimension) and column(longitude dimension) indices of the gpi in the 2D grid. Parameters ---------- gpi : int32 Grid point index. Returns ------- row : int Row in 2D array. col : int Column in 2D array. """ # check if iterable iterable = _element_iterable(gpi) gpi = np.atleast_1d(gpi) if len(self.shape) == 2: if self.gpidirect: index = gpi else: # get the indices that would sort the gpis gpisorted = np.argsort(self.gpis) # find the position where the gpis fit in the sorted array pos = np.searchsorted(self.gpis[gpisorted], gpi) index = gpisorted[pos] index_lat = (index / self.shape[1]).astype( index_lon = index % self.shape[1] if not iterable: index_lat = index_lat[0] index_lon = index_lon[0] return index_lat, index_lon else: raise (GridDefinitionError("Grid has no 2D shape"))
[docs] def calc_lut(self, other, max_dist=np.Inf, into_subset=False): """ Takes other BasicGrid or CellGrid objects and computes a lookup table between them. The lut will have the size of self.n_gpis and will for every grid point have the nearest index into other.arrlon etc. Parameters ---------- other : grid object to which to calculate the lut to max_dist : float, optional maximum allowed distance in meters into_subset : boolean, optional if set the returned lut will have the index into the subset if the other grid is a subset of a grid. Example: if e.g. ind_l is used for the warp_grid some datasets will be given as arrays with len(ind_l) elements. These datasets can not be indexed with gpi numbers but have to be indexed with indices into the subset """ if self.kdTree is None: self._setup_kdtree() if other.kdTree is None: other._setup_kdtree() if self.kdTree.kdtree is not None and other.kdTree.kdtree is not None: dist, index = other.kdTree.find_nearest_index( self.activearrlon, self.activearrlat, max_dist=max_dist ) valid_index = np.where(dist != np.inf)[0] dist = dist[valid_index] index = index[valid_index] if not other.gpidirect or not other.allpoints: if not into_subset: index = other.activegpis[index] active_lut = np.empty_like(self.activearrlat, dtype=np.int64) active_lut.fill(-1) active_lut[valid_index] = index if not self.allpoints: gpi_lut = np.empty_like(self.gpis) gpi_lut.fill(-1) gpi_lut[self.gpis[self.subset]] = active_lut elif not self.gpidirect: gpi_lut = np.empty(np.max(self.activegpis) + 1, dtype=np.int64) gpi_lut.fill(-1) gpi_lut[self.activegpis] = active_lut else: gpi_lut = active_lut return gpi_lut
[docs] def get_shp_grid_points(self, ply): """ Returns all grid points located in a submitted shapefile, optinal as coordinates. Currently only works in WGS84. Parameters ---------- ply: object, OGRGeometryShadow the Geometry of the Feature as returned from ogr.GetGeometryRef Returns ------- grid : BasicGrid Subgrid. """ if ogr_installed: lonmin, lonmax, latmin, latmax = ply.GetEnvelope() gpis, lats, lons = self.get_bbox_grid_points( latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax, both=True ) lon_ip = [] lat_ip = [] gpi_ip = [] if len(gpis) > 0: for gpi, lon, lat in zip(gpis, lons, lats): pt = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) pt.SetPoint_2D(0, float(lon), float(lat)) if ply.Contains(pt): lon_ip.append(lon) lat_ip.append(lat) gpi_ip.append(gpi) if len(gpi_ip) > 0: return self.subgrid_from_gpis(gpi_ip) else: return None else: raise Exception( "No supported implementation installed.\ Please install gdal and osgeo." )
[docs] @staticmethod def issorted(a): return np.all(a[:-1] <= a[1:])
def _index_bbox_grid_points( self, gp_info: np.array, latmin: float, latmax: float, lonmin: float, lonmax: float, ) -> (np.array, np.array): index = np.where( (gp_info[2] <= latmax) & (gp_info[2] >= latmin) & (gp_info[1] <= lonmax) & (gp_info[1] >= lonmin) ) return index
[docs] def get_bbox_grid_points( self, latmin=-90, latmax=90, lonmin=-180, lonmax=180, coords=False, both=False ): """ Returns all grid points located in a submitted geographic box, optional as coordinates. Parameters ---------- latmin : float, optional (default: -90) minimum latitude latmax : float, optional (default: 90) maximum latitude lonmin : float, optional (default: -180) minimum latitude lonmax : float, optional (default: 180) maximum latitude coords : boolean, optional (default: False) set to True if coordinates should be returned both: boolean, optional (default: False) set to True if gpis and coordinates should be returned Returns ------- gpi : numpy.ndarray grid point indices, if coords=False lat : numpy.ndarray longitudes of gpis, if coords=True lon : numpy.ndarray longitudes of gpis, if coords=True """ if self.issplit: raise NotImplementedError gp_info = self.get_grid_points() index = self._index_bbox_grid_points(gp_info, latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax) gpis, lons, lats = gp_info if coords is True: return lats[index], lons[index] elif both: return gpis[index], lats[index], lons[index] else: return gpis[index]
[docs] def to_cell_grid(self, cellsize=5.0, cellsize_lat=None, cellsize_lon=None): """ Convert grid to cellgrid with a cell partition of cellsize. Parameters ---------- cellsize : float, optional Cell size in degrees cellsize_lon : float, optional Cell size in degrees on the longitude axis cellsize_lat : float, optional Cell size in degrees on the latitude axis Returns ------- cell_grid : CellGrid object Cell grid object. """ cells = lonlat2cell( self.arrlon, self.arrlat, cellsize=cellsize, cellsize_lat=cellsize_lat, cellsize_lon=cellsize_lon, ) if self.gpidirect: gpis = None else: gpis = self.gpis return CellGrid( self.arrlon, self.arrlat, cells, gpis=gpis, subset=self.subset, shape=self.shape, )
[docs] def subgrid_from_gpis(self, gpis): """ Generate a subgrid for given gpis. Parameters ---------- gpis : int, numpy.ndarray Grid point indices. Returns ------- grid : BasicGrid Subgrid. """ sublons, sublats = self.gpi2lonlat(gpis) return BasicGrid(sublons, sublats, gpis,
def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare arrlon, arrlat, gpis, subsets and shape. Returns ------- result : boolean Returns True if grids are equal. """ # only test to certain significance for float variables # grids are assumed to be the same if the gpi, lon, lat tuples are the # same idx_gpi = np.argsort(self.gpis) idx_gpi_other = np.argsort(other.gpis) gpisame = np.all(self.gpis[idx_gpi] == other.gpis[idx_gpi_other]) try: nptest.assert_allclose(self.arrlon[idx_gpi], other.arrlon[idx_gpi_other]) lonsame = True except AssertionError: lonsame = False try: nptest.assert_allclose(self.arrlat[idx_gpi], other.arrlat[idx_gpi_other]) latsame = True except AssertionError: latsame = False if self.subset is not None and other.subset is not None: subsetsame = np.all( sorted(self.gpis[self.subset]) == sorted(other.gpis[other.subset]) ) elif self.subset is None and other.subset is None: subsetsame = True else: subsetsame = False if self.shape is None and other.shape is None: shapesame = True elif self.shape is not None and other.shape is not None: shapesame = self.shape == other.shape else: shapesame = False if == geosame = True else: geosame = False return np.all([lonsame, latsame, gpisame, subsetsame, shapesame, geosame])
[docs]class CellGrid(BasicGrid): """ Grid that has lat,lon coordinates as well as cell informatin. It can find nearest neighbour. It can also yield the gpi, lat, lon, cell information in cell order. This is important if the data on the grid is saved in cell files on disk as we can go through all grid points with optimized IO performance. Parameters ---------- lon : numpy.ndarray Longitudes of the points in the grid. lat : numpy.ndarray Latitudes of the points in the grid. cells : numpy.ndarray Of same shape as lon and lat, containing the cell number of each gpi. gpis : numpy.ndarray, optional If the gpi numbers are in a different order than the lon and lat arrays an array containing the gpi numbers can be given. subset : numpy.array, optional If the active part of the array is only a subset of all the points then the subset array which is a index into lon, lat and cells can be given here. Attributes ---------- arrcell : numpy.ndarray Array of cell number with same shape as arrlon, arrlat. activearrcell : numpy.ndarray Array of longitudes that are active, is defined by arrlon[subset] if a subset is given otherwise equal to arrlon. """ def __init__( self, lon, lat, cells, gpis=None, geodatum="WGS84", subset=None, setup_kdTree=False, **kwargs, ): super(CellGrid, self).__init__( lon, lat, gpis=gpis, geodatum=geodatum, subset=subset, setup_kdTree=setup_kdTree, **kwargs, ) self.gpi_lut = None cells = np.asanyarray(cells) if self.arrlon.shape != cells.shape: raise GridDefinitionError( "lat, lon and cells np.arrays have to have equal shapes" ) self.arrcell = cells if subset is not None: self.activearrcell = self.arrcell[subset] else: self.activearrcell = self.arrcell
[docs] def gpi2cell(self, gpi): """ Cell for given gpi. Parameters ---------- gpi : int32 or iterable Grid point index. Returns ------- cell : int or iterable Cell number of gpi. """ # check if iterable iterable = _element_iterable(gpi) gpi = np.atleast_1d(gpi) if self.gpidirect: cell = self.arrcell[gpi] else: if self.gpi_lut is None: self.gpi_lut = np.zeros(self.gpis.max() + 1, dtype=np.int32) self.gpi_lut[self.gpis] = np.arange(self.gpis.size) cell = self.arrcell[self.gpi_lut[gpi]] if not iterable: cell = cell[0] return cell
[docs] def get_cells(self): """ Function to get all cell numbers of the grid. Returns ------- cells : numpy.ndarray Unique cell numbers. """ return np.unique(self.activearrcell)
[docs] def get_grid_points(self, *args): """ Returns all active grid points. Parameters ---------- n : int, optional If the grid is split in n parts using the split function then this function will only return the nth part of the grid. Returns ------- gpis : numpy.ndarray Grid point indices. arrlon : numpy.ndarray Longitudes. arrlat :numpy.ndarray Latitudes. cells : numpy.ndarray Cell numbers. """ if not self.issplit and len(args) == 0: return ( self.activegpis, self.activearrlon, self.activearrlat, self.activearrcell, ) elif self.issplit and len(args) == 1: n = args[0] return ( self.subgpis[n], self.subarrlons[n], self.subarrlats[n], self.subcells[n], )
[docs] def grid_points_for_cell(self, cells): """ Get all grid points for a given cell number. Parameters ---------- cell : int, numpy.ndarray Cell numbers. Returns ------- gpis : numpy.ndarray Gpis belonging to cell. lons : numpy.array Longitudes belonging to the gpis. lats : numpy.array Latitudes belonging to the gpis. """ cells = np.atleast_1d(cells) gpis = [] lons = [] lats = [] for cell in cells: cell_index = np.where(cell == self.activearrcell) gpis.append(self.activegpis[cell_index]) lons.append(self.activearrlon[cell_index]) lats.append(self.activearrlat[cell_index]) gpis = np.hstack(gpis) lons = np.hstack(lons) lats = np.hstack(lats) return gpis, lons, lats
[docs] def split(self, n): """ Function splits the grid into n parts this changes not function but grid_points() which takes the argument n and will only iterate through this part of the grid. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of parts the grid should be split into. """ self.issplit = True # sort by cell number to split correctly sorted_index = np.argsort(self.activearrcell) self.subarrlats = np.array_split(self.activearrlat[sorted_index], n) self.subarrlons = np.array_split(self.activearrlon[sorted_index], n) self.subgpis = np.array_split(self.activegpis[sorted_index], n) self.subcells = np.array_split(self.activearrcell[sorted_index], n)
def _normal_grid_points(self): """ Yields all grid points in cell order. Returns ------- gpi : long Grid point index. lon : float Longitude of gpi. lat : float Longitude of gpi. cell : int Cell number. """ uniq_cells = np.unique(self.activearrcell) for cell in uniq_cells: cell_gpis = np.where(cell == self.activearrcell)[0] for gpi in cell_gpis: yield self.activegpis[gpi], self.activearrlon[gpi], self.activearrlat[ gpi ], cell def _split_grid_points(self, n): """ Yields all grid points in cell order. Parameters ---------- n : int Number of subgrid to yield. Returns ------- gpi : long Grid point index. lon : float Longitude of gpi. lat : float Latitude of gpi. cell : int Cell number. """ uniq_cells = np.unique(self.subcells[n]) for cell in uniq_cells: cell_gpis = np.where(cell == self.subcells[n])[0] for gpi in cell_gpis: yield self.subgpis[n][gpi], self.subarrlons[n][gpi], self.subarrlats[n][ gpi ], cell
[docs] def subgrid_from_gpis(self, gpis): """ Generate a subgrid for given gpis. Parameters ---------- gpis : int, numpy.ndarray Grid point indices. Returns ------- grid : BasicGrid Subgrid. """ sublons, sublats = self.gpi2lonlat(gpis) subcells = self.gpi2cell(gpis) return CellGrid(sublons, sublats, subcells, gpis,
[docs] def subgrid_from_cells(self, cells): """ Generate a subgrid for given cells. Parameters ---------- cells : int, numpy.ndarray Cell numbers. Returns ------- grid : CellGrid Subgrid. """ subgpis, sublons, sublats = self.grid_points_for_cell(cells) subcells = self.gpi2cell(subgpis) return CellGrid( sublons, sublats, subcells, subgpis, )
def __eq__(self, other): """ Compare cells. Returns ------- result : boolean Returns true if equal. """ basicsame = super(CellGrid, self).__eq__(other) idx_gpi = np.argsort(self.gpis) idx_gpi_other = np.argsort(other.gpis) cellsame = np.all(self.arrcell[idx_gpi] == other.arrcell[idx_gpi_other]) return np.all([basicsame, cellsame])
[docs] def get_bbox_grid_points( self, latmin=-90, latmax=90, lonmin=-180, lonmax=180, coords=False, both=False, sort_by_cells=True, ): """ Returns all grid points located in a submitted geographic box, optional as coordinates. The points are grouped by cells! Parameters ---------- latmin : float, optional (default: -90) minimum latitude latmax : float, optional (default: 90) maximum latitude lonmin : float, optional (default: -180) minimum latitude lonmax : float, optional (default: 180) maximum latitude coords : boolean, optional (default: False) set to True if coordinates should be returned both: boolean, optional (default: False) set to True if gpis and coordinates should be returned sort_by_cells: bool, optional (default: True) Points in the bbox are grouped by cells (so that e.g. when iterating over them you can read data from a cell that is already in memory). Returns ------- gpi : numpy.ndarray grid point indices, if coords=False lat : numpy.ndarray longitudes of gpis, if coords=True lon : numpy.ndarray longitudes of gpis, if coords=True """ gp_info = self.get_grid_points() index = self._index_bbox_grid_points(gp_info, latmin, latmax, lonmin, lonmax) gpis, lons, lats, cells = gp_info gpis, lons, lats, cells = gpis[index], lons[index], lats[index], cells[index] if sort_by_cells: indx = np.lexsort((gpis, cells)) gpis, lons, lats, cells = gpis[indx], lons[indx], lats[indx], cells[indx] if coords is True: return lats, lons elif both: return gpis, lats, lons else: return gpis
[docs]def lonlat2cell(lon, lat, cellsize=5.0, cellsize_lon=None, cellsize_lat=None): """ Partition lon, lat points into cells. Parameters ---------- lat: float64, or numpy.ndarray Latitude. lon: float64, or numpy.ndarray Longitude. cellsize: float Cell size in degrees. cellsize_lon : float, optional Cell size in degrees on the longitude axis. cellsize_lat : float, optional Cell size in degrees on the latitude axis. Returns ------- cell: int32, or numpy.ndarray Cell numbers. """ if cellsize_lon is None: cellsize_lon = cellsize if cellsize_lat is None: cellsize_lat = cellsize y = np.clip( np.floor((np.double(lat) + (np.double(90.0) + 1e-9)) / cellsize_lat), 0, 180 ) x = np.clip( np.floor((np.double(lon) + (np.double(180.0) + 1e-9)) / cellsize_lon), 0, 360 ) cells = np.int32(x * (np.double(180.0) / cellsize_lat) + y) max_cells = (np.double(180.0) / cellsize_lat) * (np.double(360.0)) / cellsize_lon cells = np.where(cells > max_cells - 1, cells - max_cells, cells) return np.int32(cells)
[docs]def gridfromdims(londim, latdim, origin="top", **kwargs): """ Defines new grid object from latitude and longitude dimensions. Latitude and longitude dimensions are 1D arrays that give the latitude and longitude values of a 2D latitude-longitude array. Parameters ---------- londim : numpy.ndarray longitude dimension latdim : numpy.ndarray latitude dimension origin : Literal['bottom', 'top'], optional (default: 'top') If bottom is selected, the GPI origin is at (min_lon, min_lat), i.e. in the bottom left corner. If 'top' is selected, the origin is at (min_lon, max_lat), i.e. in the top left corner Returns ------- grid : BasicGrid New grid object. """ lons, lats = np.meshgrid(londim, latdim) if origin.lower() == "bottom": lats = np.flipud(lats) elif origin.lower() == "top": pass else: raise ValueError( f"Unexpected origin passed, expected 'top' or 'bottom' " f"got {origin.lower()}" ) return BasicGrid( lons.flatten(), lats.flatten(), shape=(len(latdim), len(londim)), **kwargs )
[docs]def genreg_grid( grd_spc_lat=1, grd_spc_lon=1, minlat=-90.0, maxlat=90.0, minlon=-180.0, maxlon=180.0, **kwargs, ): """ Define a global regular lon lat grid which starts in the North Western Corner of minlon, maxlat. The grid points are defined to be in the middle of a grid cell. e.g. the first point on a 1x1 degree grid with minlon -180.0 and maxlat 90.0 will be at -179.5 longitude, 89.5 latitude. Parameters ---------- grd_spc_lat: float, optional Grid spacing in latitude direction. grd_spc_lon: float, optional Grid spacing in longitude direction. minlat : float, optional Minimum latitude of the grid. maxlat : float, optional Maximum latitude of the grid. minlon : float, optional Minimum longitude of the grid. maxlon : float, optional Maximum longitude of the grid. """ lon_dim = np.arange(minlon + grd_spc_lon / 2.0, maxlon, grd_spc_lon) lat_dim = np.arange(maxlat - grd_spc_lat / 2.0, minlat, -grd_spc_lat) return gridfromdims(lon_dim, lat_dim, **kwargs)
def _element_iterable(el): """ Test if a element is iterable Parameters ---------- el: object Returns ------- iterable: boolean if True then then el is iterable if Fales then not """ try: el[0] iterable = True except (TypeError, IndexError): iterable = False return iterable
[docs]def reorder_to_cellsize(grid, cellsize_lat, cellsize_lon): """ Reorder grid points in one grid to follow the ordering of differently sized cells. This is useful if e.g. a 10x10 degree CellGrid should be traversed in an order compatible with a 5x5 degree CellGrid. Parameters ---------- grid: :py:class:`pygeogrids.grids.CellGrid` input grid cellsize_lat: float cellsize in latitude direction cellsize_lon: float cellsize in longitude direction Returns ------- new_grid: :py:class:`pygeogrids.grids.CellGrid` output grid with original cell sizes but different ordering. """ cell_grid = grid.to_cell_grid(cellsize_lat=cellsize_lat, cellsize_lon=cellsize_lon) cell_sort = np.argsort(cell_grid.arrcell) new_arrlon = grid.arrlon[cell_sort] new_arrlat = grid.arrlat[cell_sort] new_arrcell = grid.arrcell[cell_sort] new_gpis = grid.gpis[cell_sort] new_subset = None if grid.subset is not None: full_subset = np.zeros(new_arrlon.size) full_subset[grid.subset] = 1 new_full_subset = full_subset[cell_sort] new_subset = np.where(new_full_subset == 1)[0] return CellGrid( new_arrlon, new_arrlat, new_arrcell, gpis=new_gpis, subset=new_subset )